Multi-Party DQ: Collaboration and Competition in Decision Making

Assembles concepts, tools, and skills for applying the DQ Framework in multi-party situations.

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Presented by a collaboration of the SDG Decision Education Center and our academic partner, Texas Executive Education

  • Description
  • Instructors
  • Earn a Certificate
  • CEU

In many decision-making situations, more than one decision body is involved. They each have different goals with differing value metrics. Applying Decision Quality (DQ) principles requires the concepts and tools of Game Theory, Multi-Criteria DQ, and the skills for designing a process for effective collaboration and negotiation. This course complements the Negotiation and Collaborative Decision Making course with the DQ framework applied in multi-party settings and the rigor of negotiation analysis and risk sharing.


  • Understand the DQ Framework in multi-party decision situations
  • Diagnose the situation and design the process for collaboration and competition
  • Apply game theory to participate in alliances, joint ventures, and negotiations more effectively
  • Develop valuations using multi-criteria analysis
  • Increase total value and achieve agreement with value transparency
  • Quantify risk and use risk sharing to enhance the opportunities for multiple parties

Prerequisites: None

Delivery Options
  • At UT Austin



Eric Bickel
Dr. Eric Bickel is an SDG Fellow and a professor at the University of Texas at Austin (UT-Austin), where he is Director of the Graduate Program in Operations Research & Industrial Engineering, and Academic Director of the Strategic Decision and Risk Management Certificate (SDRM) Program. Dr. Bickel also holds courtesy appointments in the Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering and the Energy and Earth Resources graduate program.


Dima Shamoun
Dima Shamoun is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Finance at the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin, where she teaches economics in the MBA and BBA programs. Dima has been with UT Austin since she joined the Department of Economics as a Lecturer and the Center for Politics & Governance as the Associate Director of Research in the fall of 2016. She taught both graduate and undergraduate students in introductory and advanced courses such as Principles of Economics, Law & Economics, and The Economics of Ethics & Social Justice. She has previously taught a wide range of courses from a game-theoretic course of her design titled Logic & Behavior to graduate level Mathematical Economics, first as a Graduate Lecturer at George Mason University (GMU) and then as a part-time Assistant Professor of Economics at Southwestern University.


Carl Spetzler
Carl Spetzler has helped top business leaders over 40 years to create innovative new strategies that deal with the complexities of uncertainty and risk over long time horizons. Chairman of Strategic Decisions Group, he is the lead author of Decision Quality: Value Creation from Better Business Decisions (Wiley, 2016).


The Strategic Decision and Risk Management Certificate Program provides executives and mid-career professionals with the concepts and advanced knowledge to make high-quality decisions and embrace risk and uncertainty for competitive advantage. The certificate is a recognition that you have the advanced skills to lead decision making in your organization. Earn the SDRM certificate by completing six 2-day classes.

SDG is pleased to collaborate with The University of Texas at Austin to offer the SDRM certificate.

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This course is ideal for those seeking continuing education units (CEUs) or continuing professional education units (CPEs) to maintain or advance your professional skills. Participants earn 1.4 CEUs and/or 14 CPEs for this course.